
Do you want beautiful silky hair that will make heads turn? Our hair contains natural oil glands in the hair follicles, but due to pollution, chemical products and heating tools, we lose our natural oil and shine, making our hair dull and lifeless. You can increase the production of these sebum or oil glands in your hair by adopting the following natural ingredients and tips in your haircare routine:

1. Coffee

Coffee is not only a delicious beverage but also contains bioflavonoids and antioxidants like polyphenols that help make your hair smooth and shiny. To moisturise and strengthen your hair with coffee, you should o the following:

  • Start by brewing some coffee on your stove or coffee maker.
  • While your coffee is brewing, you should wet your hair.
  • Once your coffee has finished brewing, apply the coffee all over your hair and scalp.
  • Leave this on for about 15 minutes so that the coffee can work its magic on your hair.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse your hair with lukewarm water.
  • You can also add this brewed coffee to your conditioner and wash your hair with it.

    2. Coconut Or Argan Oil

Coconut oil and argan oil have fatty acids that make your hair shinier and sleeker. These oils can bring dull hair back to life and promote hair growth as well. To make your hair shinier with these oils, it is better first to warm them. Then massage any of the oils into your scalp and down your hair strands with your fingertips. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, and then rinse your hair. You can also add these oils to your conditioner and then use them while washing your hair regularly.

3. Beer Or Apple Cider Vinegar

Both beer and apple cider vinegar have nourishing qualities that can bring back the shine to your hair strands. While beer has nutrients to get rid of fizz, apple cider vinegar has vitamins and minerals to make your hair glow. Apply the apple cider vinegar or beer to your scalp with cold water and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse your hair. You should do this at least twice weekly to make your hair shiny.

4. Egg Yolk

If you are looking for something that will both boost the shine of your hair and strengthen it, you should apply some egg yolk. Egg yolk has several peptides that help your hair become strong and grow longer and healthier. You can beat two eggs in a bowl until they are frothy, and then add one drop of coconut oil. Apply this mixture all over your hair and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. This will improve the overall quality of your hair and promote oil secretions.

5. Aloe Vera And Yoghurt

Aloe vera and yoghurt are profoundly nourishing ingredients that bring back the shine and moisture to your hair and help prevent dandruff. In a bowl, you should mix four tablespoons of aloe vera gel with three tablespoons of yoghurt and two tablespoons of coconut oil. Then add this mixture to your hair and leave it for twenty minutes. You should then wash it off with cold water. Use this mask every week to get good results.


Follow the above natural solutions to make your hair locks shiny and smooth.

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